VUP Fashion AG, das multifunktionale Accessoire kann anstelle von Schal, Krawatte, Plastron, Fliege, oder als Einstecktuch getragen werden.Logo.

Fashion Today Men - the trade magazine

We are absolutely thrilled to read an article about VUP Fashion in the renowned online magazine “FASHION TODAY MEN” – the trade magazine for menswear, and to present our expertise in the field of UNISEX fashion to a wide audience. By working together we have the opportunity to share VUP®️ with our customers, and all those who have never heard of VUP Fashion®️. Many thanks also to Markus Oess (editor-in-chief), who wrote the very successful article in the online magazine.

Fashion Today Men, is a specialized magazine dedicated entirely to men's fashion.

As the leading online magazine in the German-speaking B2B market, it offers its readers exclusive insights into the world of menswear. With high-quality articles, interviews and reports, the online fashion magazine provides fashionable insights into the latest trends and developments in men’s fashion.

You are curious and want to read the full article about VUP Fashion? Then take a look at the online magazine yourself and see for yourself. Click here for the article

This was just the beginning! We’ve just started rocking the magazines.

Upcycling offers the opportunity to transform old or no longer needed fabrics and ties into new, individual and creative VUP’s.
